Cool, Calm & Collected - please order as BREAK FREE (see text below)

$112.95 - $847.10
(44 reviews)
Current Stock:

Note that the name of this product is changing to BREAK FREE. Please read the product information below but from now on you will have to order it under the new name - BREAK FREE. The product is completely unchanged we are simply consolidating the product range and future labels will have instructions for both normal and oxalate pastures.

Cool, Calm & Collected is a supplement designed to enable spooky horses to cope with stress. Ideal for horses that find specific situations particularly stressful. Use this supplement to improve hacking, schooling and competition.

THIS PRODUCT MUST BE LOADED. There is a one month loading period (5 days a week) using the loading quantities listed below. Until the loading period is complete the benefits will be quite short lived. During the loading period try to ride your horse between 30 and 120 minutes of giving the supplement as you are more likely to see some benefit. This is not compulsory but gives the best chance of seeing any early gains. After a month on the loading rate, drop down to the maintenance rate, listed below (still feeding the supplement 5 days a week). If poor behaviour returns increase quantity or contact us for advice on other variations of this product that may suit your horse better.

For best and most economical results feed any five days out of any seven.

Application (Loading rates):
600-700kg horse 120g (2.2 measures)
500-600kg horse 100g (2.0 measures)
400-500kg horse 80g (1.6 measures)
300-400kg horse 65g (1.3 measures)
​Do NOT feed seven days a week.

Application (maintenance rates):
600-700kg horse 40 - 60g (0.8 - 1.2)
500-600kg horse 35 - 50g (0.7 - 1.0)
400-500kg horse 30 - 45g (0.6 - 0.9)
300-400kg horse 20 - 40g (0.4 - 0.8)

Store in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children.

​Shelf life 12 months from date of manufacture.

Active ingredients:

Minerals: Calcium (from VCAL) (120g), Copper (400mg/kg), Iodine (10mg), Selenium (2mg/kg), Zinc (1,600mg).

Manufactured by BEC Feed Solutions ​​


Click here to view the data sheet.






  • 5

    Posted by Deborah Jacobs on 27th Jun 2018

    3 weeks in and I have noticed a massive improvement. Waiting to see how he goes on the maintenance amount!

  • 4
    Good product

    Posted by Jolie Darton on 27th Jun 2018

    Definitely helps my pony, he has a slightly larger dose to keep his head intact, but he definitely does concentrate more now.

  • 5
    Magical Transformation!!

    Posted by Nikki Nicholls on 27th Jun 2018

    My mare before feeding equifeast was sharp, inattentive, struggled to focus, fiery, argumentative, stubborn 5 year KWPN. She used to rear vertically with absolutely no warning as a tantrum if she was frustrated with something, there was absolutely no negotiating with her, she was going out competing and would score well but would always have tense, or struggles to relax ect After my instructor recommended equifeast, I got in touch and cannot say how impressed I was with the service. They were really friendly and pointed me towards the right product they thought would work for us which was cool, calm and collected. Effie has now been on it for about 4 weeks and I can honestly say what a transformation, we are now able to negotiate, I can ask her to do things without a tantrum and she is on the whole so much more relaxed and focused! We have a test booked in at the end of the month and am hopeful that the tense and relax comments will be a thing of the past! Thank you equifeast!!

  • 5
    What a difference!!

    Posted by Hannah Morter on 27th Jun 2018

    Wow! My boy had his first dose of cool calm and collected today, usually he would be tense, lots of tail swishing, his frame would become very tight and his steps very short, dressage judges would always comment "very tense", "needs to relax" etc, so thought I'd give CCC a go and wow! I can already see an improvement! This evening he was much softer, supple and attentive and generally more focused on me and what I was asking of him. I know it's early days, but if this first day is anything to go by, we'll be dressage divas in no time!!

  • 4
    Promising Start

    Posted by Ros Dobson on 27th Jun 2018

    4 weeks in and thankfully I'm dealing with a calmer horse, important while I'm on crutches! Hopefully he'll start rehab this weekend and that will give me a better idea of how well CC&C is working, so long as I don't run out, must reorder today.

  • 5
    My boy is back!

    Posted by Paula on 27th Jun 2018

    my 22yr old has gone from a spooky, rearing, bucking bombscare to being the most wonderful chilled lad! Still looking but doesn't panic and doesn't react nearly as badly! Has settled him down without dulling his sparkle or taking the fun out of him....I just don't fear for my life as much now! X

  • 5
    Concentration at last!!!

    Posted by Jill Paul on 27th Jun 2018

    Finally found a product that creates concentration in my horse producing very encouraging dressage results without taking the edge of him for the SJ and XC. He now listens!!!!

  • 4
    Cool, Calm and Collected

    Posted by Mary on 27th Mar 2018

    This product seems to work and make my horse less spooky at objects. I would recommend to try it.