Cool, Calm & Collected - please order as BREAK FREE (see text below)

$112.95 - $847.10
(44 reviews)
Current Stock:

Note that the name of this product is changing to BREAK FREE. Please read the product information below but from now on you will have to order it under the new name - BREAK FREE. The product is completely unchanged we are simply consolidating the product range and future labels will have instructions for both normal and oxalate pastures.

Cool, Calm & Collected is a supplement designed to enable spooky horses to cope with stress. Ideal for horses that find specific situations particularly stressful. Use this supplement to improve hacking, schooling and competition.

THIS PRODUCT MUST BE LOADED. There is a one month loading period (5 days a week) using the loading quantities listed below. Until the loading period is complete the benefits will be quite short lived. During the loading period try to ride your horse between 30 and 120 minutes of giving the supplement as you are more likely to see some benefit. This is not compulsory but gives the best chance of seeing any early gains. After a month on the loading rate, drop down to the maintenance rate, listed below (still feeding the supplement 5 days a week). If poor behaviour returns increase quantity or contact us for advice on other variations of this product that may suit your horse better.

For best and most economical results feed any five days out of any seven.

Application (Loading rates):
600-700kg horse 120g (2.2 measures)
500-600kg horse 100g (2.0 measures)
400-500kg horse 80g (1.6 measures)
300-400kg horse 65g (1.3 measures)
​Do NOT feed seven days a week.

Application (maintenance rates):
600-700kg horse 40 - 60g (0.8 - 1.2)
500-600kg horse 35 - 50g (0.7 - 1.0)
400-500kg horse 30 - 45g (0.6 - 0.9)
300-400kg horse 20 - 40g (0.4 - 0.8)

Store in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children.

​Shelf life 12 months from date of manufacture.

Active ingredients:

Minerals: Calcium (from VCAL) (120g), Copper (400mg/kg), Iodine (10mg), Selenium (2mg/kg), Zinc (1,600mg).

Manufactured by BEC Feed Solutions ​​


Click here to view the data sheet.






  • 5
    Cool Calm & Collected

    Posted by Elizabeth C on 4th Feb 2020

    We had our Mare on a Magnesium supplement and instead of getting quieter her behaviour was escalating. Have just finish the loading dose on Cool, Calm and Collected, her improvement is very noticeable and is definitely much better. She was spooky, looking at everything and very stressed to take out to a competition. After two weeks you could see a difference. She is pretty chilled to do most things with and was much more relaxed in her yard when we went to a event last weekend. Was eating and drinking which she wasn’t doing when we took her out before starting this product. She also used to chew wood and that has stopped. Very happy with result so far.

  • 4
    Cool carm and collected

    Posted by Debbie keen on 2nd Feb 2020

    She seems more content in herself

  • 5
    cool, calm & collected

    Posted by samantha mortyne on 22nd May 2019

    This stuff is great ! One of our brood mares is incredibly dominant cranky to work with. She has had severe tendon damage in the past turning her into a brood mare. After having her on cool calm and collected for a while we decided to bring her back into work. There has been so sign of lameness and her moods are now quite mallable, almost cheerful. we also use it on the younger horses and it seems to give them more focus when being schooled and less likely to get panicky in situautions they arent used to. I would recommend this product to anyone with horses. I use it on 5x of our horses and wont be changing it any time soon. The service from this company is also 2nd to none.

  • 4
    Cool, Calm & Collected

    Posted by Bev on 21st Aug 2018

    For the first month at the loaded dose, I was starting to believe it had made a calming difference to my quiet natured , but over alert and very forward going pleasure horse, who seemed to be getting more and more on the lookout to spook., which for a rider in my 70's , was a bit disconcerting. My mare is now in the third week at the maintenance only dose and is very definitely a much more relaxed placid horse to ride, and much more prepared to maintain a nice steady rhythm and speed, even on a loose rein, at all paces,, than she ever has in the 4 years I have owned her. The only changed factor in environment or feed routine has been the addition of Ccol, Calm & Collected to her diet 5 days a week. Look as if I am finally on a winner.

  • 5
    Changed my horse drastically!

    Posted by Holly Nicolson on 27th Jun 2018

    I was having real problems with my 12 year old TB gelding. He would be fine at home in full work - almost verging on lazy - and then whenever he travelled to somewhere new he would completely change. Then I bought this supplement after some great advice and it changed him so much. I am still to test his reaction out at a competition but I feel so much more confident with him and don't know why I didn't buy it earlier. Very highly recommended!!!

  • 5
    Pleasing changes to my horse

    Posted by Angela Gladding on 27th Jun 2018

    Am really pleased with progress so far, having spoken to Malcolm and Emma I tweaked my horses diet and started him on the CCC about 5 weeks ago now. It has made a huge difference to him and he is much more relaxed and supple and isn't having such huge reactions when in a different situation. He is eating it up which is always a good sign as he is very fussy and I am a very happy customer!!

  • 5
    Improves Focus

    Posted by Carly Toogood on 27th Jun 2018

    I enquired about Equifeast Cool, Calm and Collected as I was having some 'attention' issues with my 15 year old advanced dressage horse. A new arrival to the yard, had unsettled him, and he was finding it difficult to concentrate, being distracted and he was very on edge. This behaviour was whilst ridden and also on the ground. I was also experiencing a few issues when out competiting, he felt very tense, and was very spooky when I rode away from the warm up and he left the security of the other horses. This was bringing our scores down, and I knew that the horse in the arena was not the horse that I was riding in the warm up, so I needed to find something to focus him on me and listen to my aids, so that we could ride the test that I knew he was capable of. After an analysis of his feed, we established that he was on the maximum amount of magnesium through his feed, so a magnesium based calmer would have no effect, possibly having the opposite effect. I purchased the started pack of Cool, Calm and Collected and started him on it the very next day. He has been on it for 4 weeks now, and the improvement in his ridden work is amazing. He now listens to me without being distracted, and is 110% totally focussed on what we are doing, I have his full attention and for 30 mins or so, we are in our little bubble schooling and nothing can interupt!! Its fantastic!! We have had a little break from competing, whilst I started the Cool, Calm and Collected and allowed it the chance to get into his system, but I am now looking at dates and really looking forward to getting out and scoring the percentages that I know we are capable of

  • 5
    So Impressed

    Posted by Jo on 27th Jun 2018

    This product has completely changed my mare from a snorting monster who was becoming unrideable because of her tantrums and tendency to run off into a calm, pleasant horse to both handle and ride. Previously her behaviour was so unpredictable and inconsistent it was impossible for us to progress. We have now completed the loading period and she constantly puts a smile on my face and has done from week 2!! I've tried countless other calmers and supplements previously, but I'm sticking with this one. Excellent support and advice during the loading period and beyond too

  • 5
    The only calmer I will ever use

    Posted by H.R.C on 27th Jun 2018

    Equifeast's CCC is honestly the best calming product on the market. I have tried many other magnesium and herbal based calmers in the past and have seen little to no change In my horse's behaviour. Having owned my horse from a goal, I've known since a young age he was going to be hot to ride. However, 2-3 weeks on the CCC starter pack and my horse is accepting of work and his attitude has completely changed from a stroppy, sometimes arrogant 6yo into a far more affectionate, compliant and considerate horse. Not only that, the service I received from the staff at the equifeast help centre was second to none - check-backs and update emails, texts and phone calls whenever needed. I can assure that I won't work him without it from now - brill stuff. 10/10