Cool, Calm & Collected - please order as BREAK FREE (see text below)

$112.95 - $847.10
(44 reviews)
Current Stock:

Note that the name of this product is changing to BREAK FREE. Please read the product information below but from now on you will have to order it under the new name - BREAK FREE. The product is completely unchanged we are simply consolidating the product range and future labels will have instructions for both normal and oxalate pastures.

Cool, Calm & Collected is a supplement designed to enable spooky horses to cope with stress. Ideal for horses that find specific situations particularly stressful. Use this supplement to improve hacking, schooling and competition.

THIS PRODUCT MUST BE LOADED. There is a one month loading period (5 days a week) using the loading quantities listed below. Until the loading period is complete the benefits will be quite short lived. During the loading period try to ride your horse between 30 and 120 minutes of giving the supplement as you are more likely to see some benefit. This is not compulsory but gives the best chance of seeing any early gains. After a month on the loading rate, drop down to the maintenance rate, listed below (still feeding the supplement 5 days a week). If poor behaviour returns increase quantity or contact us for advice on other variations of this product that may suit your horse better.

For best and most economical results feed any five days out of any seven.

Application (Loading rates):
600-700kg horse 120g (2.2 measures)
500-600kg horse 100g (2.0 measures)
400-500kg horse 80g (1.6 measures)
300-400kg horse 65g (1.3 measures)
​Do NOT feed seven days a week.

Application (maintenance rates):
600-700kg horse 40 - 60g (0.8 - 1.2)
500-600kg horse 35 - 50g (0.7 - 1.0)
400-500kg horse 30 - 45g (0.6 - 0.9)
300-400kg horse 20 - 40g (0.4 - 0.8)

Store in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children.

​Shelf life 12 months from date of manufacture.

Active ingredients:

Minerals: Calcium (from VCAL) (120g), Copper (400mg/kg), Iodine (10mg), Selenium (2mg/kg), Zinc (1,600mg).

Manufactured by BEC Feed Solutions ​​


Click here to view the data sheet.






  • 4
    Cool Calm and Collected

    Posted by Janice Turner on 29th Dec 2020

    I am on my second round of this product and am really beginning to notice a marked difference in my horse's work ethics and attitude to training. He has also calmed considerably when out on the trail by himself and if given the opportunity to think a situation out, he has become braver and more willing to trust my judgement. I have noticed that he is less likely to be reactive to items he would spook at prior. I really appreciated the personal phone call from Trevor , when I first sent an email inquiry about the product. We discussed recommended diet and the supplements and he assured that me that I was on the right track with what I was currently feeding All in all I will recommend this product over the magnesium based horse calmers most produce stores will sell.

  • 5
    Cool Calm and Collected

    Posted by Sandy Pitman on 15th Dec 2020

    My horse has improved dramatically

  • 5
    Cool Calm and Collected

    Posted by Sandy Pitman on 28th Oct 2020

    Have noticed a significant difference in my horses behaviour ... he is listening and learning and not spooking at everything,. His body shape has also changed because he is now working over his back in a more relaxed manner much of the time

  • 5
    Cool calm collected

    Posted by Michelle Raymond on 28th Sep 2020

    Purchased as a last resort hope form my horse that had become extremely anxious and spooky was in the brink of selling getting to scared to ride him. He would jump at shadows and any noise or shaking bush would always have his full attention and flight mode on high alert. After a week with cool calm and collected we could ride again contained and tense but could ride. Now a after the loading period is finished he is helping his stable mate gain confidence in the arena and walking and plodding along so patiently with my big ginger daughters on his back. Just calm and happy and loving cuddles. We are back to working strong and confident. He is just a completely different horse can’t thank you enough for this product

  • 5

    Posted by Tina on 18th Sep 2020

    best product I have ever used for my young Arabians supporting them to think before reacting.

  • 5
    Cool calm and collected

    Posted by Dianne Hunter on 11th Sep 2020

    Great product, my young gelding can get quite anxious when out competing and this helps him

  • 5
    Cool, Calm and Collected.

    Posted by Rosalie Golding on 17th Jun 2020

    Now everyone's horse is different , but CCC has certainly made a difference to our TB mare ; in fact that much of a difference that I am more than happy to give it a five star rating. Previously we had been using ThiaMag which certainly helped with her "twitchies" a bit but after starting her on the CCC , the improvement has been profound . I am a happy repeat mailorder customer now.

  • 5
    Cool calm and collected

    Posted by Brittany on 7th May 2020

    Absolutely love cool calm and collected I have a very spicy OTTB and have spent years trying absolutely everything on the market and then someone suggested this to me so thought why not give it a go and I'm so glad I did! Chink was once anxiety ridden but now she is able to process things so much more and she is so much more level headed I absolutely love cool calm and collected, I definitely see it as an investment and also love that it's Australian made

  • 4
    Excellent product

    Posted by Di on 8th Mar 2020

    I use cool calm and collected all the time on my young harness pony that suffers anxiety It certainly helps him