Cool, Calm & Collected - please order as BREAK FREE (see text below)

$112.95 - $847.10
(44 reviews)
Current Stock:

Note that the name of this product is changing to BREAK FREE. Please read the product information below but from now on you will have to order it under the new name - BREAK FREE. The product is completely unchanged we are simply consolidating the product range and future labels will have instructions for both normal and oxalate pastures.

Cool, Calm & Collected is a supplement designed to enable spooky horses to cope with stress. Ideal for horses that find specific situations particularly stressful. Use this supplement to improve hacking, schooling and competition.

THIS PRODUCT MUST BE LOADED. There is a one month loading period (5 days a week) using the loading quantities listed below. Until the loading period is complete the benefits will be quite short lived. During the loading period try to ride your horse between 30 and 120 minutes of giving the supplement as you are more likely to see some benefit. This is not compulsory but gives the best chance of seeing any early gains. After a month on the loading rate, drop down to the maintenance rate, listed below (still feeding the supplement 5 days a week). If poor behaviour returns increase quantity or contact us for advice on other variations of this product that may suit your horse better.

For best and most economical results feed any five days out of any seven.

Application (Loading rates):
600-700kg horse 120g (2.2 measures)
500-600kg horse 100g (2.0 measures)
400-500kg horse 80g (1.6 measures)
300-400kg horse 65g (1.3 measures)
​Do NOT feed seven days a week.

Application (maintenance rates):
600-700kg horse 40 - 60g (0.8 - 1.2)
500-600kg horse 35 - 50g (0.7 - 1.0)
400-500kg horse 30 - 45g (0.6 - 0.9)
300-400kg horse 20 - 40g (0.4 - 0.8)

Store in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children.

​Shelf life 12 months from date of manufacture.

Active ingredients:

Minerals: Calcium (from VCAL) (120g), Copper (400mg/kg), Iodine (10mg), Selenium (2mg/kg), Zinc (1,600mg).

Manufactured by BEC Feed Solutions ​​


Click here to view the data sheet.






  • 5
    Cool, Calm and collected

    Posted by Ange D. on 3rd Sep 2024

    Excellent product. It has made a huge difference to my very sensitive gelding. He is much more settled and far less reactive. I took him off it for a while then quickly realised my mistake - he reverted back to being a nervous wreck. Needless to say he’s back on it and is going brilliantly again. For me it’s a game changer.

  • 5
    Break free

    Posted by Jennifer Terry on 12th Aug 2024

    Great product have been using many years!

  • 5
    Great product

    Posted by Maureen Scott on 12th Dec 2023

    My coach suggested I try cool calm and collected for my Galloway who had a terrible coat and was quite spooky. Fast forward a couple of months and his coat is glowing and he is a lot happier. He’ll be staying on this supplement for sure.

  • 5
    Cool calm collected

    Posted by Jacqui on 23rd May 2023

    Definitely noticed a difference is a lot more settled at all times

  • 5
    Cool calm collected

    Posted by Jacqui on 12th Mar 2023

    Dr. Jekyll and Hyde has settled nicely

  • 5
    Cool calm collected

    Posted by Annie on 12th Jan 2023

    I have used this product now for over 12 months with great success. It has helped my horses keep a level head and remain calm and relaxed.

  • 5
    CCC is great stuff!

    Posted by Shaz on 16th Dec 2022

    my nervous Ottb is on his second bag of your Cool Calm and Collected supplement, and fed every second day. It has been a game changer, thank you for this product, I wish I had found it sooner. Luv your work!

  • 5
    Cool calm and Collected

    Posted by Jodie Toft on 28th Oct 2022

    Highly recommend. Used for many years and helps manage nervous types that may over react - cools and calms without altering performance

  • 5
    Cool calm and collected

    Posted by Bernie on 22nd Jun 2022

    Great product, made such a difference to my horses mindset.