For many years we used the name Cool, Calm & Collected however this product name has now been dropped but exactly the same product is available as BREAK FREE. This testimonial pre-dates this name change.
We strongly recommend that new customers/horses start by filling in our FREE Diet Review Form.
"My last ride I ended up in hospital..."
Hi everyone, here's a story of my mare Bowie, who became too erratic for me to ride, very spooky and anxious and my last ride I ended up in hospital.
She's been on Cool, Calm & Collected for about 4 or 5 months now I think.
I have not been back on as yet but here are some videos of before CCC and after Loading for 3 months on CCC, a walk to the beach is a good way to show and determine her behavior, she is on 100 % Seteria and was originally supplemented with AGLIME and DCP.
Contact us for a complete diet review.
Please note - these are our customers' interpretation of what our products have done for their riding experiences. None of these stories have been verified by independent scientific tests.