Ollie - the transformation that saved his life

Posted by Malcolm Green on 22nd Nov 2019

Ollie - the transformation that saved his life

Ollie was one of our oxalate trial horses in 2012. He was a 4 year old off the track TB at the National Horse and Pony rescue in Murwillumbah, NSW. NHPR pride themselves on not putting horses down - especially young ones. But the setaria (oxalate) pasture he had to eat was causing havoc with Ollie (and many of the other horses). Ollie was incredibly dangerous to handle (hence the grazing muzzle), was almost permanently lame, had poor muscle function and the classic signs of Big Head (broad nose and lumpy forehead). Sadly they were planning to take the ultimate sanction within a few days. But they heard of our trial and Ollie got a reprieve;

Here you can see his head features and depressed demeanor. The video above shows the transformation from using a chelated calcium supplement BREAK FREE.



For the whole trial story watch this video: