
Horse: Patrick
Owner: Julie Knaggs 
Country: UK
Genetic state: PSSM2 by Biopsy 
Time into trial being reported: 24 hours and 6 weeks
EquiFeast supplements fed: LamiCORE and MORE Fibre. 


Patrick was a fire breathing dragon with tense muscles and a worse brain. Lunging him was like flying a kite - he had his head in the air, was on high alert and could go beserk in the school for minutes at a time. He was spooky and "took off" spinning and galloping away. He was close to being put down as he was dangerous to ride.

Within 24 hours of being on LamiCORE he is now Fabulous and remains fabulous. He is safe to lunge (a child could do it) and his muscles feel much better. He lowers his head to the ground and stretches his back. He is now ridden again.

A number of different physios have seen him and are incredibly impressed.